Some Little Hints:
OpenIntents is a very interesting project. It has a simple but important and helpful target: It wants to "[...] collect, design, and implement open intents and interfaces to make Android mobile applications work more closely together". And therefore the project also "[...] provides samples and free applications to demonstrate their usage". But the most astonishing point is that it successfully combines Open Source development and commercial activities - based on the Apache 2 licence. That's a kind the world should be.
The user expierences the succesful combination of interacting oi modules if he not only installs the applications but additionally the extensions.
Little Android Helpers...
The T-Mobile G2 touch comes already with two well working mailing apps, the HTC mailer and the Google Mail App. But K9 is a really free Open Source Software on the same level... a good cause to change.

Normally we are reading mobile sites of newspapers. But sometimes we subscripe newsfeeds and let them managed by anything like the OI News Reader. But be careful: getting an online stream of news depletes your battery ;-)

It's goog to be able to note something whereever you are. Especially if you can use a really free Open Source editor like OI Notepad developed by OpenIntents. This integerated app can be expanded by extensions and can even send Notes.

Sometimes I get different calls or SMSs. I shall buy something for the night meal or anything else. And pleeeaaase, don't forget it! My little helper OI Shopping list offered by OpenIntents is a good assistant.
Mostly I am missing my password safe gpass when I am needing it - because it's part of my Linux Desktop System. Hence the free Open Source Software OI Safe of OpenIntents could help... as part of my mobile Android smartphone