When I bought my T-Mobile G2 touch - for simplifying matters let us call it my android phone - in 2009/2010 I naturally wanted to integrate it completely and seamless into my private linux based computer environment. Okay, here is a list of my desires and solutions:
Linux & Android : Integration
Desires & Solutions
Can I integrate my self made ring tones into my android phone? Can I let it play a nice waltz like 'la valse d'amelie' if my darling calls? Well, yes - but that's simple and a little bit tricky at the same time [...]
Can I activate my favorite cat photo as Andoird background image? And if - how do I realize it via my Linux desktop? Good message: Yes, no problem - if you jump over one or two cliffs [...]
Can I synchronize my PIM data via T-Mobile myPhoneBook? And if, can I link evolution and android? I'm sorry: as far as I know: no, but [...]

Can I connect my Android mobile phone and the T-Online media center? And if so, can I combine them with my Linux desktop system? Hmm - yes, it's possible and reasonable - in certain cases [...]

Do I nescessarily need a google mail account for using my T-Mobile G2 touch? And if, why do we have to reflect it? Well, Radio Yerevan answers: No - but it's better for you [...]

Can I use T-Mobile G2 Touch as mail client for my T-Online Mail Account? And if, how can I synchronize the data with my Linux mail client evolution? Simple clear answer: Yes [...]

Can I view PDF Files in my T-Mobile G2 touch? And if so, can I (directly) look at pdf files having been delivered as email attachments or pdf links? Oh, clearly spoken: yes [...]

Can I view Open Office Files in my T-Mobile G2 touch? And if so, can I (directly) look at odf files having been delivered as email attachments or odf links? I'm afraid no [...]

Can I at least manually snychronize my pim data without using a Google Mail Account? And if, how do I get the data directly from Linux Desktop into my Android smartphone and back? I am sorry, no [...]

Can I automatically synchronize my Linux mails and my Android mails? Well, yes this is automatically into an imap account or simulatable by using a pop3 account [see T-Online Mail Integration]

Can I synchronize my Linux evolution calendar and my Android calendar using my Google Mail Account? And if so, does this depend on the evolution release? The answer for both questions is: yes [...]

Can I synchronize my Linux evolution addressbook and my Android addressbook via Google Mail? And if so, does this depend on the evolution release? Twice again: yes [...]

Can I synchronize my Linux Thunderbird data and my Android data via Google Mail? And if so, can I use Thunderbird addons? And another time the answer is: yes [...]