Sometimes one has to have a house and watch cat in the background!

How can I activate my favorite cat photo as Android background image by using my Linux Desktop System?
That's simple - apart from one or two crags, over which I had to jump last saturday:
- At first I had to connect my Android mobile phone with my ubuntu hardy heron computer using the USB cable.
- Additionally on my Android mobile phone I pulled down the status line and pushed the entries for activating the USB connection effectively (Cliff 1).
- Because of the automount option of my Linux machine the USB storage was automatically mounted into /media/disk and presented on my desktop. /media/disk now contains the sub-directories albumthumbs, data, DCIM, HTC Sync Tool_v2.0.2, Manual and MP3.
- Now I inserted the portrait of my house- and watchcat into the directory DCIM where the examples had already been stored. For really getting the image into the memory of my handheld I still had to unmount the USB device on the linux machine (Cliff 2).
- Then I unplugged the cable for disactivating the USB connection.
- So I could now call the android photo app, could search the new image, could touch the external menu button and touch the internal menu entries for setting up a background image, and finally could arrange the snapshot and store the result.
