Unfortenuately one has still to mind some stumbling blocks:

In opposite to the Android version of the T-Online Media Center the corresponding browser application allows to upload, share and download files not being media files. Hence it's not possible to upload or download other files than pictures, music files or films into the Android mobile phone - even if such other files are succesfully managed in the browser version of the T-Online Media Center.

Calling the Android T-Online Media Center Installer the application will succesfully be installed without deleting the installer itself. If you want to do it manually you are not allowed to do it... pity.
Why and how should I integrate the T-Online Media Center and its' Android client into my private Linux desktop environment?

The first glance irritates: Why should I upload my Linux documents into my virtual Telekom - Storage, if I - later on - view or hear them by using my browser based T-Online Media Center Application on the same Linux system - a mindless loop, isn't it? No. It's reasonable if we look at our shared working fields:

- I can upload my private Linux files into the media center storage and use these files via the media center application running in the browser of my company computer.
- I can share a specific media center storage area with other T-Online-users for reading / changing common documents.
- And - the other way round - I can upload photos into the media center storage via my my android client. And later on I can directly download these files via my Linux browser and the T-online media center application - without fumbling around with the USB cable.
- Finally I could organize an interim backup system by uploading important files into the online storage transitionally.

And the Telekom offers all these possibilities for free? The frontend and the storage? Not bad.
How do you activate these possibilities? There is a simple good message: If you have any T-Online-Account, you can use the T-Online media center automatically. And only two additional steps will link the Android Phone to the media center:
- Configure the android media center client to your T-Online-Acount by using the media center installer.
- And then call the Android T-online media center app itself.